#eye #eye
filmmaker, etc.

Trisha Pickelhaupt is a director, writer, producer, DP, editor and actor based in NYC.

Born and raised in Buffalo NY, and a graduate of RIT’s photography program, she is a visual thinker with a love for authenticity and finding meaning in the unexpected.

Her short film “I Like Your Hair” was premiered nationally by NPR and screened at the Bronx Documentary Center, and recently won Best Editing at PANO Shorts Fest. Trisha’s latest experimental documentary project Apples to Oranges premiered at the Brooklyn Music School in February of 2024 and is currently being submitted to festivals.

As an active member of Filmshop and Video Consortium, Trisha seeks to promote creative community-building in NYC and beyond.

She is currently at work writing her first narrative feature and editing several projects.

Join Trisha’s seasonal newsletter here.


email: trishapickelhaupt@gmail.com
instagram: @trishapickelhaupt
view her resume